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a yellow arrow pointing to links
Illustration of cogs turning.
Graphic of a computer.

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June Updates

Our battle to unlock our master account with Facebook continues. If your social media dashboards are not pulling data, this might be the reason. Still, if you notice that any of your dashboards have data reporting issues, please contact us. Reminder: You might need to refresh your dashboards by clicking the calendar button, selecting your date range, and clicking “Apply.”

Many of our clients added the AccessiBe ADA compliance plugin to their websites at a cost of $49 per month. If your website still isn’t ADA compliant, then we strongly urge you to authorize LeadWorks to add the AccessiBe ADA compliance plugin as soon as possible. The cost is $49 per month, which is far less expensive than having to pay a settlement.

The number of websites being targeted by law firms for lack of ADA compliance is growing. Once you are in the crosshairs, you will either pay hefty legal fees or settle the complaint for $10,000 to $20,000 – or both.

Need 1-on-1 Help?

Scott Regan


Marketing Strategy, Digital Ad Campaigns, SEO, Lead Generation

Whitney Higdon


Marketing Strategy, Social Media, Video Production, Content Creation

Zoe Gomer


Website Design & Development, Email Marketing